18 out of 21 Megacities are Coastal...
Densely populated coastal cities are failing to meet the increased demand for food. Since there is very limited land available for agriculture in the cities, Governments are forced to import up-to 90% of their food from faraway lands.
.... and Singapore is the
prime example of a city state
with 93% food imports annually
SEALEAF is a modular hydroponic floating agricultural system for urban coastal environments that challenges the systems of land use and a culture of global food importation by returning food production to the centre of its consumption. By 2015, a project 340 million people will reside in the worlds 21 megacities, of which 18 are coastal. Feeding these cities against a backdrop of explosive population growth, urbanization, rising sea levels, desertification and a demand for abundance will become a challenge beyond that of our existing infrastructure. However we at SEALEAF believe that while our working urban space decreases and prices can only increase there is still ‘land’ available to us. This land surrounds our cities, is largely under utilized, is cheap and is actually increasing. This land is water!

SEALEAF enables the next generation of urban farmer to cultivate crops on water that would otherwise be grown on commercially valuable land and deliver 3 key benefits:
- Create true mass agriculture inside greater urban areas rendering the concept of local food for a local population, at a reasonable price, a reality.
- Eliminate carbon miles incurred from mass importation of everyday produce
- Contribute to the food security of nations through the creation of a local agricultural industry within its consumption centres